Music by Josephine Lange


VENT is a collaboration with Giles Duley and OPX Studio

Instagram Studio_Vent

For photography commissions and projects please contact:

Copyright © 2022
Giles & OPX Studio

Email your submission to

View images here

All photographs are protected by international copyright laws. Giles Duley will retain copyrights on all images and no reproduction, distribution or transmission for commercial gain is allowed without written consent from Giles Duley.

As an art collaborator who has used an image from the site or any image of Giles feel free to share the work you've created with that image on your social media and/or website in good taste.




All photographs are protected by international copyright laws. Giles Duley will retain copyrights on all images and no reproduction, distribution or transmission for commercial gain is allowed without written consent from Giles Duley.

As an art collaborator who has used an image from the site or any image of Giles feel free to share the work you've created with that image on your social media and/or website in good taste.